Exercise 0.5x: Repeated action

Your input will be questions like Ippassaq (yesterday) :: object :: location :: interrogative+2Sg. You will deny and say you do so only in summertime (aasakkuinnaq = only during summer). This is repeated action, so you must add TAR. Answer using Naamik, aasakkuinnaq…

Ippassaq Narsamut aallarpit? (Did you go to Narsaq yesterday?)
Naamik, aasakkuinnaq Narsamut aallartarpunga. (No, it is only during summer that I go to Narsaq.)

Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

Ippassaq Pisiffimmut aallarpit?

Ippassaq Narsarsuarmit aallarpit?

Ippassaq Qaqortumit aallarpit?

Ippassaq Aasiannut aallarpit?