Automaton 4.1.3: Translation

Translate the following glossings to words in final form. Push to check your answer, to show the translation, to reveal the solution, or to hear the answer.

a sibling + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + interrogative + You/2Pl
to read + go to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative
a sibling + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
history + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
a sibling + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to depart + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
then + particle
to read + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
literature + terminalis/allative + plural + to go to N + go to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
west of POSSESSOR + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
a student + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + indicative + he/3Sg
a month + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
to record + indicative + he/3Sg
the first + a cute little N + singular + absolutive
the first + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
history + terminalis/allative + plural + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to read + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to record + interrogative + You/2Pl
these + pronoun + absolutive + plural
history + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
an airport + plural + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to read + go to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to represent him + to begin to Vb + contemporative + them/3PlO
to read + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
to record + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + indicative + he/3Sg
a month + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
a month + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + interrogative + You/2Pl
to represent him + go to Vb + indicative + he-them/3Sg3PlO
west of POSSESSOR + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to represent him + indicative + he-them/3Sg3PlO
history + terminalis/allative + plural
a month + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + indicative + he/3Sg
an airport + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
close on POSSESSOR + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
an airport + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
the first + plural + terminalis/allative
an airport + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
a human + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
an airport + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
to read + go to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
to record + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
to read + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
west of POSSESSOR + singular + terminalis/allative
the first + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + interrogative + You/2Pl
to read + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + interrogative + You/2Pl
a human + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to record + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
the first + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
west of POSSESSOR + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
a student + a cute little N + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
to depart + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
a human + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
a human + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + interrogative + You/2Pl
west of POSSESSOR + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
close on POSSESSOR + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to depart + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + interrogative + You/2Pl
close on POSSESSOR + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to depart + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to read + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
close on POSSESSOR + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
to record + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + indicative + he/3Sg
the first + plural + terminalis/allative + to go to N + interrogative + You/2Pl
close on POSSESSOR + a cute little N + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
history + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
Thule Air Base + terminalis/allative
to depart + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to read + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
to depart + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + indicative + he/3Sg
these + pronoun + lokalis/locative + plural
to depart + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative
to read + go to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
an airport + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to record + go to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + indicative + he/3Sg
close on POSSESSOR + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
the first + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
the first + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative
to depart + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to depart + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to read + go to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative
Thule Air Base + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
to record + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
history + terminalis/allative + plural + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
the first + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + go to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
to record + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
the first + plural + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
the first + a cute little N + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
a student + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
literature + terminalis/allative + plural
to depart + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + indicative + he/3Sg
a student + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
a month + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative
literature + terminalis/allative + plural + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
an airport + singular + absolutive
the first + plural + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
west of POSSESSOR + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + to begin to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to depart + somebody Vb-ing + a cute little N + plural + my/1SgPoss + absolutive
close on POSSESSOR + a cute little N + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
to depart + to begin to Vb + interrogative + You/2Pl
to read + to begin to Vb + somebody Vb-ing + singular + terminalis/allative + to go to N + somebody Vb-ing + singular + absolutive
history + singular + absolutive