Automaton 5.1.3: Translation

Translate the following glossings to words in final form. Push to check your answer, to show the translation, to reveal the solution, or to hear the answer.

to overwinter + whether Vb + causative + I/1Sg
oqarfigә + to Vb first + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to be suitable + to be done with Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to finish it + to Vb more + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
oqarfigә + immediately upon Vb + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to understand it + to Vb too much + indicative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
soqutigә + to be done with Vb + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
not to know it + to have Vb once + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
soqutigә + passive + causative + I/1Sg
to overwinter + to Vb too much + causative + I/1Sg
thus + particle
to start + to have Vb once + indicative + he/3Sg
to be short termed + to Vb first + causative + I/1Sg
soqutigә + to be done with Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to start + to Vb more + indicative + he/3Sg
oqarfigә + to Vb first + indicative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to overwinter + to Vb first + causative + I/1Sg
to finish it + to be done with Vb + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to finish it + immediately upon Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
oqarfigә + to be done with Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to start + causative + I/1Sg
to understand it + to have Vb once + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
oqarfigә + to Vb more + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
not to know it + immediately upon Vb + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to understand it + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to do ??? + to Vb first + causative + I/1Sg
to be short termed + to have Vb once + indicative + he/3Sg
to stop + whether Vb + causative + I/1Sg
not to know it + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to be suitable + whether Vb + causative + I/1Sg
to start + to Vb first + causative + I/1Sg
to finish it + to Vb too much + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
aqqutigә + to Vb more + indicative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to stop + just to Vb + causative + I/1Sg
aqqutigә + passive + indicative + he/3Sg
soqutigә + immediately upon Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to do ??? + to order sby to Vb + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
a half + singular + absolutive
to be short termed + immediately upon Vb + causative + I/1Sg
a half + a future N + singular + co-referential his/4SgPoss + absolutive
a half + singular + my/1SgPoss + relative
to be suitable + to Vb more + causative + I/1Sg
soqutigә + to Vb first + indicative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to understand it + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
oqarfigә + whether Vb + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to finish it + to Vb first + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to stop + to Vb first + indicative + he/3Sg
to be deaf + to be done with Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
aqqutigә + to be done with Vb + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
a prayer + a future N + singular + co-referential his/4SgPoss + absolutive
to start + whether Vb + causative + I/1Sg
to understand it + to order sby to Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to understand it + to Vb more + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
oqarfigә + whether Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
not to know it + just to Vb + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to understand it + to order sby to Vb + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to finish it + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
I + pronoun + ablative + I/1Sg
soqutigә + just to Vb + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
to start + to Vb too much + indicative + he/3Sg
not to know it + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to finish it + to Vb too much + indicative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
a half + each others' N + plural + absolutive
aqqutigә + to have Vb once + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
aqqutigә + just to Vb + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
oqarfigә + to order sby to Vb + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
to do ??? + just to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to stop + immediately upon Vb + causative + I/1Sg
a job + each others' N + plural + absolutive
a translator + a future N + singular + absolutive
a prayer + each others' N + plural + absolutive
oqarfigә + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to do ??? + to have Vb once + causative + I/1Sg
to overwinter + just to Vb + causative + I/1Sg
soqutigә + whether Vb + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to stop + to Vb first + causative + I/1Sg
a journalist + a future N + singular + co-referential his/4SgPoss + absolutive
to overwinter + to order sby to Vb + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to overwinter + to order sby to Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
a translator + each others' N + plural + absolutive
soqutigә + to Vb first + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
to understand it + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to be suitable + to order sby to Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to do ??? + to order sby to Vb + indicative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to be deaf + to order sby to Vb + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to stop + to order sby to Vb + causative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to finish it + whether Vb + causative + he-me/3Sg1SgO
to overwinter + to order sby to Vb + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to be deaf + to Vb more + indicative + he/3Sg
to be short termed + causative + I/1Sg
a journalist + a future N + singular + absolutive
a partner + a future N + singular + my/1SgPoss + relative
oqarfigә + to Vb too much + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
soqutigә + to order sby to Vb + indicative + I-him/1Sg3SgO
to be short termed + just to Vb + indicative + he/3Sg
to be short termed + to order sby to Vb + indicative + he-him/3Sg3SgO
a journalist + singular + absolutive
to start + to have Vb once + causative + I/1Sg
to be deaf + just to Vb + causative + I/1Sg
to overwinter + to Vb more + causative + I/1Sg