Exercise 2.1: Dictation

Practice your reception. You now hear a recording of the first stanza from each of the two national anthems. Write them down pressing the skip button only when absolutely needed.

Here is a very direct word-by-word translation into English of Henrik Lund's Qitornat saperasi. It was first printed in 1913:

Our-land because-you-have-grown-very-old
your-head it-is-full of-grey-hair
your-children you-have-always-embraced-them
yoy-have-given-them your-cost's things

And here a word-by-word translation of Jonathan Petersen's Sineriak from the same year:

a-land that-is-roomy
Greenlanders we-have-it
it-all mountainous
lots-of-fiords its-coast
the-whole its-coast
islands they-lie-in-front-of-it

Push to check your answer, or to reveal the solution.

Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit niaqqut ulissimavoq qiinik. Qitornatit kissumiaannarpatit tunillugit sineriavit piinik. Nuna asiilasooq kalaallit nunagaarput tamarmi qaqqartooq. Kangerluppassuit sinaa nunassaqqissisippaat; tamaat sineriaa qeqertat saangerpaat.