2-0: Preparations for Module 2

This series of exercises should be thoroughly worked through BEFORE you embark on Module 2. It has namely proven that the cocktail of a new verbal mood plus a rather complicated sound rule offered to you in lesson 1 has been quite a mouthful for many of you.

Therefore you now get an extra lesson without new words but with three important morphemes all of which contain the said sound rule. I am confident that lesson 1 will be much more manageable when you face it with the sound rule already acquired.

Do so:

  • Listen to presentation 1.1 and work through the document "Chapter 1 as text" to learn the new words and morphemes. Focus your learning on verbs, the derivational morphemes Vb+TAR and Vb+GALUAR as well as the endings Vb+{vaaŋŋa}, Vb+{vaat}, Vb+{vit}, Vb+{viuk} and Vb+{vugut}. All other new material you will get in once you are done with this preparatory chapter and get going with lesson 1.
  • Learn the new sound rule. It controls the variable consonant one finds in a number of very frequent derivational morphemes and endings. It is most often written as a capital T. The rule states that T → /s/ after a vowel but /t/ after a consonant. Please, observe that this is exactly the same principle as you saw in the mood endings {vu}, {va} and {vi} that keep their v-shapes after vowels but after consonants turn {pu}, {pa} and {pi} as you learned it in module 1.
  • Learn a new derivational morpheme: Vb+TUQ means "the one who Vb" as in ilinniar+TUQ → ilinniartoq "the one who studies" (that is "a student") and in suli+TUQ → sulisoq "the one who works" (that is "a worker")
  • Learn another new derivational morpheme: Vb+TARIAQAR means "have to Vb/ must Vb" as in ilinniar+TARIAQAR+{vuq} → ilinniartariaqarpoq "he has to study" and in suli+TARIAQAR+{vuq}→ sulisariaqarpoq "he must work".
  • Work through exercises 0.1 - 0.3 till you can handle them both as text as well as as sound without support in the written text.
  • Work through exercises 0.4 - 0.5 in the same way and make sure that you in depth understand all the answers.
  • Finally, you will learn a third very frequent derivational morpheme namely Vb-TAQ which creates passive nouns of transitive verbs. asa- means "to love him/her" and allap- "to write it". Then {asa-TAQ} → asasaq means "the beloved one" and {allap-TAQ} → allataq by the same principle "that what has been written". Vb-TAQ is however a bit more complicated than other derivational morphemes since whereas T basically adhere to the normal T-rules there is a speciality exclusively for this morpheme that it will take the alternative shape -gaq after stems in /r/ as in {ilinniartip+TAR-TAQ} → ilinniartittagaq "one who is normally taught" and {ilinniartip+GALUAR-TAQ} → ilinniartikkaluagaq "somebody who is taught (but ..)"
  • Finally, work through exercises 0.6 - 0.7 the same way and make sure that you really understand the meaning of both the prompt and your own answers. If you are the least in doubt about how to interpret the word do not hesitate to bring it up with your work group and with your teacher if you have one.