Exercise 2.5: Use contemporative as a subordinate mood (text)

Contemporative often translates as English ing-form as in He came running (= He came and he ran). Contemporative is namely the mood we use to express secondary actions coming with the main statements as in the example where the primary message is that he came whereas his running is just a secondary message. Combine the following sentence pairs into single sentences letting the latter be the main message. Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

Tika aappaagu bachelorinngussavoq. Oqarpoq.
Kalaallisut ilinniassavoq. Oqarpoq.
Qarasaasiaq atorpaa. Sulisarpoq.
Tallimanik meeraqarpunga. Finlandimi najugaqarpunga.
Oqaasilerineq sammisarilaarpaa. Kalaallisut ilinniarpoq.