Exercise 4.1: Work with clitics LI and LU (text)

Here you get two pieces of information. Tie them together using N-U and the proper clitic according to this principle: If the two words share the same logic class use LU like this: word1 N1-U word2-lu N1-U whereas you must use LI if word1 and word2 belong to different categories: word1 N1-U word2-li N2-U. Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

kalaallit = tallimat, qallunaat = tallimat
Per, Thor = angutit, Ilona = arnaq
Kastrup = mittarfik, Pituffik = mittarfik
Tika = kalaaleq, nuliara = qallunaaq
paniga = arnaq, ernera = angut
paniga angajulleq = adjunkt, paniga nukarleq = suli ilinniar­nertuunngorniarfimmi ilinniartoq
uanga = qallunaaq, Tika = kalaaleq
angajora, nukara = angutit, nuliara = arnaq
nuliara = qallunaaq, meeqqakka = qallunaat