Exercise 4.5: Practise clitics LI and LU together with the contemporative mood (text)

This exercise is a copy of exercise 4.1 apart from the fact that it has been expanded with one more task. Here you get two pieces of information. Tie them together using N-U and the proper clitic according to this principle: If the two words share the same logic class use LU like this: word1 N1-U word2-lu N1-U whereas you must use LI if word1 and word2 belong to different categories: word1 N1-U word2-li N2-U. Put the first verb in the indicative mood and the latter in the contemporative mood. Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

paniga = arnaq, ernera = angut
nuliara = qallunaaq, meeqqakka = qallunaat
paniga angajulleq = adjunkt, paniga nukarleq = suli ilinniar­nertuunngorniarfimmi ilinniartoq
Tika = kalaaleq, nuliara = qallunaaq
uanga = qallunaaq, Tika = kalaaleq
Kastrup = mittarfik, Pituffik = mittarfik
kalaallit = tallimat, qallunaat = tallimat
angajora, nukara = angutit, nuliara = arnaq
Per, Thor = angutit, Ilona = arnaq