Exercise 5.2: Comparison using +NIRU (text)

Here is a row of sentences type 'something happens / someone does'. Adjust them to express the same statement at higher degree. This is the first exercise of its kind so we will just use the indicative mood as training. As a matter of facts the contemporative would have been more idiomatic in quite a number of the sentences but let us not komplicate matters more than necessarily. The sentences are all understandable in spite of the less than perfect indicative. Remember that transitive as well as intransitive statements can be put in comparative and superlative. In Greenlandic comparison is nothing but a derivational morpheme with all the normal uses as any other morpheme. Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

Isumaqarpunga taamani nalunartoq, isumaqarpungali ullumi ____
2008-mi sulivunga, isumaqarpungali 2010-mi ___ (NB: Use NIRU=SSA)
Taanna ilinniartippara, ikinngutaali ___
2008-mi sulivunga, 2010-mili ___ (NB: Use NIRU=SSA)
Taamani asavakkit, massakkulli ____
"Rigoletto" sivikippoq, isumaqarpungali "La Traviata" ___
Kalaallit ilaat qallunaatut atuartarput, ilaalli kalaallisut ____
Narsarsuaq aqqutigisarpara, Kangerlussuarli ___
Aasiammiut eqqaamavakka, Qaqortormiulli ____
Tasiilami Illoqqortoormiunilu inoqarpallaanngilaq, Nuummili ___
Nuummi sulisarpunga, Finlandimili ___
Inuit ikinngutiga taasarpaat, ikinngutimali nulia ____
Nuummi taxartartut Skodat atorpaat, Tysklandimili Mercedesit ____
Arnat qarasaasialerisarput, angutilli ___
2008-mi sulivunga, 2009-mili ____
Ullumi meeqqat qarasaasialerisarput, taamanili atuar-___
Ilisimatusarfimmi atuakkialerisarpunga, oqaasileri-___
Suli atorpoq, taamanili ___