Add the very important morpheme Vb+TAR to the verbs hereunder. Remember that Vb+TAR belongs to the group of derivatives and endings with a variable first consonant (T turns /t/ after a consonant but /s/ after a vowel). In dictionaries and word lists +TAR's meaning is often glossed as 'uses to Vb'. That is as mentioned a rather unprecise glossing but unfortunately we have no adequate short glossing into English. The negative translation is probably the best one: If the verb does not include +TAR it means 'to Vb only once' as in 1969-imi ilisimatusarfimmi taamaatippunga or 'to Vb always' as in arnaavunga. It would have been taamaatittarpunga had I dropped out of studying several times and it would have been arnaasarpunga if I worked as a drag queen every Saturday. Remember that +TAR is mandatory in connection with words meaning repeated time. Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.