Exercise 7.2: Practise ila

Translate these sentence into Greenlandic Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

A part of Denmark
There are 5 schools in Nuuk. 3 of them are in town and 2 on Nuussuaq
One of my daughters
One of my friends
Some of the assistant professors (= adjunkt) became lecturers
I lived in Odense a part of 1968
Somewhere in Greenland
Two of my children
Parts of “Frk. Smilla” are strange (*)
Some of my friends
A quarter in Nuuk is called Qaqortoq
Three of the children do not attend school
One of the children left for Denmark
Two of the lecturers became professors
In osme parts of Greenland
On some of the bases