Exercise 7.3A: Absolutive and relative (text)

In this exercise you get input of the shape "Subject has N". Rephrase them to noun phrase "Subject's N". Note that you must use the base forms N-NNGUK and N+SUK when endings {-up} and {-it} come after N-NNGUAQ and N+SUAQ. NB: This is a rather difficult exercise but it has a lot in store for you so give it all the time it takes to make 100% sure that you understand all wordforms in all details. Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

angut taanna angajoqarpoq
kalaallit tamarmik ilisimatusarfeqarput
kalaallit ilaat ikinnguteqarpoq
angajora marlunnik bileqarpoq
qallunaat ilaat paneqarpoq
meerannguit meeqqeriveqarput
ilinniartup ernera ikinnguteqarpoq
meerannguara meeqqeriveqarpoq
inuit tamarmik nunaqarput
ikinngutiga kalaaleq nuliaqarpoq (You have already seen the special -aq in the derivational morphemes N-NNGUAQ, N+SUAQ and Vb+GALUAQ. -aq sometimes disappears and leaves us with the alternative stems of N-NNGUK, N+SUK and Vb+GALUK. The alternatives will be used with endings in vowel like relative case {-up}, plural {-it} and possessum like {-a}. There are a few stems with the same behaviour. nuliaq is such one. That is why 'his wife' NOT is (nuliaq-a) -> *nuliaa but rather nuli<s>aq</s>-a -> nulia.)
Amerikarmiut mittarfeqarput
qallunaat nunaqarput
paniga angajulleq ikinnguteqarpoq
meerannguaq nukaqarpoq
kalaallit nunaqarput
paniga ikinnguteqarpoq
Nuussuaq atuarfeqarpoq
nuliara nukaqarpoq
inequnartunik marlunnik paneqarpunga
inequnartumik nuliaqarpunga
ilinniarnertuut immikkut ittumik akisussaassuseqarput
nukara nuliaqarpoq
angutaannaat ilinniarnertuunngorniarfeqarput
Avanersuaq mittarfeqarpoq
meeqqat atuarfeqarput
qallunaat kalaallimik ikinnguteqarput
nuliara inequnartumik qatannguteqarpoq