Exercise 7.5: Play with half-transitive II

You often need to make nouns out of transitive verbal meaning as with asa- ('to love him') to form nouns such as love or pilersor- ('to supply him') to make nouns like supplier. In Greenlandic this is only doable after you have "deleted" the object. That is one important function of HTR. Make nouns be means of Vb+TUQ and Vb+NIQ added to transitive stems but remember that the stems first must be detransitivized before you can add TUQ and NIQ. Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

interest (soqutigi-HTR+NIQ)
teacher (ilinniartip-HTR+TUQ)
grant (aningaasaler-HTR+NIQ)
KNI chain of shops "The supplier" (pilersor-HTR+TUQ)
consultant (siunnersor-HTR+TAR+TUQ)
love (asa-HTR+NIQ)