Exercise 7.1: Practise the interrogative dummy su-

Remember su- from chapter 5? su- is almost impossible to translate into idiomatic English because su- does not really mean anything. It is an interrogative dummy we use whenever we need to form questions about semantics contained in morphemes and endings as opposed to meaning contained in stems. In chapter 6 you met the sentence .. nalullugu suniarnerlunga ('not knowing what I wanted'). In the relative clause all meaning is contained in the morphemes +NIAR+NIR. That is a typical way to use su-. Translate the questions and negations hereunder. You need to use su- plus an ending and sometimes also a morphme. Push to play the audio, to check your answer, to play the solution, or to reveal the solution.

To where?
What does he do?
What on earth does he do? (Use su+TUQ plus clitic UNA as exclamation)
What shall we do?
What became of him?
We will do nothing!
Where do I go?
What do you have?
I do not want anything
The most what?
What way?
Where is he now?
There is nothing!
What do you do?
What will they do in Denmark?
What will I work with?
What is your relation to him?
I shall not do anything
There is nothing
What does she normally do?
What has he begun to?
What will you do with that?
What does she want?
Do you want a boy or a girl? (Use su+TAAR to expectant parents.)
Was it a boy or a girl? (Use su+TAAR to a new parent.)
They do not do the least
As what?
I have nothing
What kind of work does he do in Greenland?