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Greenlandic for Foreigners 2
Greenlandic for Foreigners 2
Lecture II-1.1: Module I taught you
Chapter 1 as text
Automaton 1.1.1: Reception
Automaton 1.1.2: Production
Automaton 1.1.3: Translation
Listen/understand/repeat 1: Tikaajaat Kristensen
Lecture 1.1 slides
II-0: Preparations for Module 2
Exercise 0.1: Use Vb+TUQ (text)
Exercise 0.1: Use Vb+TUQ (audio)
Exercise 0.2: Use Vb+TARIAQAR (text)
Exercise 0.2: Use Vb+TARIAQAR (audio)
Exercise 0.3: Use Vb+TAR (text)
Exercise 0.3: Use Vb+TAR (audio)
Exercise 0.4: Use -SSA (text)
Exercise 0.4: Use -SSA (audio)
Exercise 0.5: Use +GALUAR (text)
Exercise 0.5: Use +GALUAR (audio)
Exercise 0.6: Use Vb+TAQ
Exercise 0.7: Use Vb-TAQ + Vb-U
Exercise 0.1.1x: Deny questions
Exercise 0.1.2x: Deny negated questions
Exercise 0.2.1x: Deny questions
Exercise 0.2.2x: Deny negated questions
Exercise 0.3.1x: Deny questions
Exercise 0.3.2x: Deny negated questions
Exercise 0.4x: Repeated action
Exercise 0.5x: Repeated action
Exercise 0.6x: Tomorrow
Exercise 0.7x: Today
Exercise 0.8x: Name
Exercise 0.9x: One who is/does
Exercise 0.10x: Try incorporating alternative sources
Automaton 0.1.1x: Reception
Automaton 0.1.2x: Production
Automaton 0.1.3x: Translation
Lecture II-1.2: No gender in Greenlandic
Exercise 1.1: Forms of intransitive verbs
Exercise 1.2: Forms of transitive verbs
Exercise 1.3: Use Vb+TAR first exercise (text)
Exercise 1.3: Use Vb+TAR first exercise (audio)
Exercise 1.4: Use Vb+TAR second exercise (text)
Exercise 1.4: Use Vb+TAR second exercise (audio)
Exercise 1.5: Use the participle (text)
Exercise 1.5: Use the participle (audio)
Exercise 1.6: Use N{-mik} to get accustomed to changing vowel qualities (text)
Exercise 1.6: Use N{-mik} to get accustomed to changing vowel qualities (audio)
Exercise 1.7: Use {+mut} to get accustomed to the C1C2-rule (text)
Exercise 1.7: Use {+mut} to get accustomed to the C1C2-rule (audio)
Exercise 1.8: Use N-U{+vuq} to accustom yourself with the constant sound changes whenever stems, morphemes, and endings meet (text)
Exercise 1.8: Use N-U{+vuq} to accustom yourself with the constant sound changes whenever stems, morphemes, and endings meet (audio)
Automaton 1.2.1: Reception
Automaton 1.2.2: Production
Automaton 1.2.3: Translation
Lecture 1.2 slides
Chapter 1 as text
Introduction to chapter II-1 X-tras
Exercise 1.1x: Affirm questions
Exercise 1.2x: Affirm questions
Exercise 1.3x: Deny questions
Exercise 1.4x: Deny questions
Exercise 1.5x: Practice participle (text)
Exercise 1.6x: Practice participle (audio)
Exercise 1.7x: Definite/indefinite object
Exercise 1.8x: Indefinite "someone"
Lecture II-2.1: Sound rules and new words continued
Automaton 2.1.1: Reception
Automaton 2.1.2: Production
Automaton 2.1.3: Translation
Listen/understand/repeat 2: Tikaajaat Kristensen
Lecture 2.1 slides
Lecture II-2.2: Nouns have two declensions
Exercise 2.1: Dictation
Exercise 2.2: Locative with p-stems and up-stems (text)
Exercise 2.2: Locative with p-stems and up-stems (audio)
Exercise 2.3A: p-stammer og up-stammer (text)
Exercise 2.3A: p-stammer og up-stammer (audio)
Exercise 2.3B: p-stems and up-stems (text)
Exercise 2.3B: p-stems and up-stems (audio)
Exercise 2.4: Contemporative as substitute when more than one indicative (text)
Exercise 2.4: Contemporative as substitute when more than one indicative (audio)
Exercise 2.5: Use contemporative as a subordinate mood (text)
Exercise 2.5: Use contemporative as a subordinate mood (audio)
Automaton 2.2.1: Reception
Automaton 2.2.2: Production
Automaton 2.2.3: Translation
Lecture 2.2 slides
Chapter 2 as text
Introduction to chapter II-2 X-tras
Exercise 2.1x: Deny questions (extended)
Exercise 2.2x: Deny questions (extended)
Exercise 2.3x: that-sentences with same subject
Exercise 2.4x: Oratio obliqua
Exercise 2.5x: Combine with LU
Exercise 2.6x: Practice LAAR
Exercise 2.7x: Practice LAAR+NNGIT
Exercise 2.8x: Practice NIQ
Exercise 2.9x: Practice LIK
Lecture II-3.1: Revision of verbs
Automaton 3.1.1: Reception
Automaton 3.1.2: Production
Automaton 3.1.3: Translation
Listen/understand/repeat 3: Tikaajaat Kristensen
Lecture 3.1 slides
Lecture II-3.2: The indicative mood
Exercise 3.1: Play with personal endings I (text)
Exercise 3.1: Play with personal endings I (audio)
Exercise 3.2: Play with personal endings II (text)
Exercise 3.2: Play with personal endings II (audio)
Exercise 3.3: Use the participle with clitic UNA (text)
Exercise 3.3: Use the participle with clitic UNA (audio)
Exercise 3.4: Use the contemporative mood (text)
Exercise 3.4: Use the contemporative mood (audio)
Automaton 3.2.1: Reception
Automaton 3.2.2: Production
Automaton 3.2.3: Translation
Lecture 3.2 slides
Chapter 3 as text
Introduction to chapter II-3 X-tras
Exercise 3.0x: Consolidating
Exercise 3.1.1x: Practice kinship terms I
Exercise 3.1.2x: Practice kinship terms II
Exercise 3.2x: Practice kinship terms III
Exercise 3.3x: Do it tomorrow
Exercise 3.4x: Contemporative in that-sentences
Exercise 3.5.1x: Contemporative circumstance I
Exercise 3.5.2x: Contemporative circumstance II
Exercise 3.6x: Affirm question
Exercise 3.7.1x: Deny, this summer I
Exercise 3.7.2x: Deny, this summer II
Lecture II-4.1: Relative case and plural
Automaton 4.1.1: Reception
Automaton 4.1.2: Production
Automaton 4.1.3: Translation
Listen/understand/repeat 4: Per Rosing
Lecture 4.1 slides
Lecture II-4.2: The fourth vowel
Exercise 4.1: Work with clitics LI and LU (text)
Exercise 4.1: Work with clitics LI and LU (audio)
Exercise 4.2: Plural with p-stems and up-stems (text)
Exercise 4.2: Plural with p-stems and up-stems (audio)
Exercise 4.3: Introduction to possessum I (text)
Exercise 4.3: Introduction to possessum I (audio)
Exercise 4.4A: Introduction to possessum II (text)
Exercise 4.4A: Introduction to possessum II (audio)
Exercise 4.4B: Introduction to possessum II (text)
Exercise 4.4B: Introduction to possessum II (audio)
Exercise 4.5: Practise clitics LI and LU together with the contemporative mood (text)
Exercise 4.5: Practise clitics LI and LU together with the contemporative mood (audio)
Automaton 4.2.1: Reception
Automaton 4.2.2: Production
Automaton 4.2.3: Translation
Lecture 4.2 slides
Chapter 4 as text
Introduction to chapter II-4 X-tras
Exercise 4.0x: Consolidating
Exercise 4.1x: Significant other yes
Exercise 4.2x: Significant other no
Exercise 4.3x: Focus on N+GƏ
Exercise 4.4x: Contemporative N+GƏ
Exercise 4.5x: Negated contemporative N+GƏ
Lecture II-5.1: New derivational morphemes
Automaton 5.1.1: Reception
Automaton 5.1.2: Production
Automaton 5.1.3: Translation
Listen/understand/repeat 5: Tikaajaat Kristensen
Lecture 5.1 slides
Lecture II-5.2
Exercise 5.1: Introducing causative mood (text)
Exercise 5.1: Introducing causative mood (audio)
Exercise 5.2: Comparison using +NIRU (text)
Exercise 5.2: Comparison using +NIRU (audio)
Exercise 5.3: Variations of ә (text)
Exercise 5.3: Variations of ә (audio)
Exercise 5.4A: Variations of ә II (text)
Exercise 5.4A: Variations of ә II (audio)
Exercise 5.4B: Variations of ә II (text)
Exercise 5.4B: Variations of ә II (audio)
Exercise 5.5: Variations of ә III (text)
Exercise 5.5: Variations of ә III (audio)
Exercise 5.6: The contemporative and the participle (text)
Exercise 5.6: The contemporative and the participle (audio)
Automaton 5.2.1: Reception
Automaton 5.2.2: Production
Automaton 5.2.3: Translation
Lecture 5.2 slides
Chapter 5 as text
Introduction to chapter II-5 X-tras
Exercise 5.0x: Consolidating (intransitive)
Exercise 5.1x: Consolidating (transitive persons)
Exercise 5.2x: Consolidating (transitive items)
Exercise 5.3x: Use GALUAR
Exercise 5.4x: Use causative as reason
Lecture II-6.1: Lots of new words but hardly any new grammar
Automaton 6.1.1: Reception
Automaton 6.1.2: Production
Automaton 6.1.3: Translation
Listen/understand/repeat 6: Per Rosing
Lecture 6.1 slides
Lecture II-6.2
Exercise 6.1: Practice N-U and N-U-NNGIT in combination with the clitic particle LI (text)
Exercise 6.1: Practice N-U and N-U-NNGIT in combination with the clitic particle LI (audio)
Exercise 6.2: Practice N-INNAQ (text)
Exercise 6.2: Practice N-INNAQ (audio)
Exercise 6.3A: Practise Vb+GUSUP (text)
Exercise 6.3A: Practise Vb+GUSUP (audio)
Exercise 6.3B: Practise Vb+GUSUP-NNGIT (text)
Exercise 6.3B: Practise Vb+GUSUP-NNGIT (audio)
Exercise 6.4A: Practise Vb+TAR (text)
Exercise 6.4A: Practise Vb+TAR (audio)
Exercise 6.4B: Practise Vb+TAR=NNGIT (text)
Exercise 6.4B: Practise Vb+TAR=NNGIT (audio)
Exercise 6.5: Practise TERMINALIS-KAR (text)
Exercise 6.5: Practise TERMINALIS-KAR (audio)
Exercise 6.6: Practise TERMINALIS-KAR with further morphemes
Automaton 6.2.1: Reception
Automaton 6.2.2: Production
Automaton 6.2.3: Translation
Lecture 6.2 slides
Chapter 6 as text
Lecture II-7.1: New words and halftransitive
Automaton 7.1.1: Reception
Automaton 7.1.2: Production
Automaton 7.1.3: Translation
Listen/understand/repeat 7: Per Rosing
Lecture 7.1 slides
Lecture II-7.2
Exercise 7.1: Practise the interrogative dummy su-
Exercise 7.2: Practise ila
Exercise 7.3A: Absolutive and relative (text)
Exercise 7.3A: Absolutive and relative (audio)
Exercise 7.3B: Absolutive and relative (text)
Exercise 7.3B: Absolutive and relative (audio)
Exercise 7.4: Play with half-transitive (text)
Exercise 7.4: Play with half-transitive (audio)
Exercise 7.5: Play with half-transitive II
Automaton 7.2.1: Reception
Automaton 7.2.2: Production
Automaton 7.2.3: Translation
Lecture 7.2 slides
Chapter 7 as text
Lecture II-8.1: Nouns revisited
Automaton 8.1.1: Reception
Automaton 8.1.2: Production
Automaton 8.1.3: Translation
Listen/understand/repeat 8: Tikaajaat Kristensen
Lecture 8.1 slides
Lecture II-8.2
Exercise 8.1: Tread carefully when you understand and produce nominal wordforms for you must be able to handle case, person and number at the same time
Exercise 8.2A: Practise Vb+TUQ-QAR (text)
Exercise 8.2A: Practise Vb+TUQ-QAR (audio)
Exercise 8.2B: Practise the structure Vb+TUQ-QAR-NNGIT (text)
Exercise 8.2B: Practise the structure Vb+TUQ-QAR-NNGIT (audio)
Exercise 8.3A Practise the structure Vb+TUQ-RUJUK=SUAQ-U (text)
Exercise 8.3A Practise the structure Vb+TUQ-RUJUK=SUAQ-U (audio)
Exercise 8.3B: Practise the structure Vb+TUQ-RUJUK=SUAQ-U-NNGIT (text)
Exercise 8.3B: Practise the structure Vb+TUQ-RUJUK=SUAQ-U-NNGIT (audio)
Automaton 8.2.1: Reception
Automaton 8.2.2: Production
Automaton 8.2.3: Translation
Lecture 8.2 slides
Chapter 8 as text
Lecture II-9: Next step?
Corpus query tool
Lecture 9 slides
Chapter 9 as text
Until next time!
Learn Greenlandic